If you are wondering about who makes the best treadmill today and you're looking for reviews of the best treadmills, then the following will definitely help you.
With all of the advertising Bowflex has done for its TreadClimber machine, you may not realize that they also may have the best treadmill line in the market. It's just an example of how Bowflex strives to be on the cutting edge of home gym equipment industry. Another hot contender in the home fitness world is the Smooth treadmills line. The Smooth treadmill line ranges from the economical to their premium machines.
Both Bowflex treadmills and Smooth treadmills offer an array of options that will fit the needs of every home exercise machine enthusiast when you're looking for reviews of the best treadmills.
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A Little about Bowflex Treadmills
Let's look at the popular series 7 Bowflex treadmills. These treadmills are meant to closely mirror the commercial equipment that you find in your local gym. This Bowflex treadmill includes 15 programs to choose from that will keep you from workout routine boredom. The walking surface spans 20 x 60 inches, which allows for a comfortable gait without worry about where each of your footsteps will land. The series 7 Bowflex treadmills are equipped with a 3-speed fan, heart rate grips and a back lit LCD display. Also, if you're looking for a space-saving treadmill, this Bowflex treadmill features a fold-up option that allows easy storage and enhanced portability. The series 7 Bowflex treadmills have a 300 lbs. weight capacity and will cost you around $1799.00
If you're wondering about "how often should I use my treadmill" and you are in the market for a high-end, supper low impact treadmill, then the Bowflex TC1000 treadmill could be ideal for you. This Bowflex treadmill offers a one-year warranty, a LCD display screen, 12 intensity settings and speed adjustment options ranging from .5 to 3.8 mph. This Bowflex treadmill is priced around $1599.00
What about Smooth Treadmills$%:
What about those Smooth treadmills$%: They may not be the most widely know company, but if owning a commercial grade treadmill is your real heart's desire, then a Smooth Fitness 7.1hr Pro treadmill could help you realize that dream.
However, one of the top of the line Smooth treadmills is their Pulse 260. This Smooth treadmill is for the serious runner. The Pulse 260 has a spring-loaded surface that provides the most low-impact workout possible. This Smooth treadmill also is equipped with a self-lubricating belt for treadmill. This adds a lot of longevity to the life of your treadmill. The motor offers a hefty 4 HP. It holds an intuitive display screen and a lifetime warranty on all parts. The Pulse 260 Smooth treadmill varies in price, but is available for around $3499.
If the $3499 price tag is a little steep, but you don't want to sacrifice the professional quality of the Smooth treadmill, time to look at the Smooth 9.25x treadmill.
The Smooth 9.25x includes the same shock absorption technology as the Pulse 260. The motor is a hefty 3.5 HP, which will suit even the most avid of runners. The LED display console provides accurate measurements of speed, time, distance, calories burned, heart rate and other pre-programmed functions. This Smooth treadmill will support up to 400 lbs. and has a lifetime warranty. You can purchase the Smooth 9.25x for around $2899.
Choosing between a Bowflex or a Smooth treadmill can be difficult for most, particularly when you're seriously looking for a top notch treadmill and you're looking for treadmill review equipment advice - a unit that will last for years and give you the best treadmill for the money. But as you've seen, either of these two brands has a couple top-end models that will last for many years to come and will give you the best treadmill workouts available today.